tisdag 14 januari 2014

New Year's Eve & Stockholm

In the Name of God the Most Compassionate the Most Merciful,

The Stockholm trip with my friends was a lovely one! I fell in love with Stockholm; it's a charming city indeed with plenty of old buildings and a lot of history, definitely my cup of tea! (:

Now it's back to reality.

I have to finish my papers that I've been procrastinating since a month back. I constantly tell myself I'm not going to leave things till the last minute, but somehow I seem to forget every single time. I really don't want to procrastinate anymore. I hate the feeling of panic and anxiety that makes my tummy cringe. So much for my New Year's resolution...I have to come up with a better strategy to deal with this. I just remembered - my cousin and I made a pact to participate in a half-marathon in May in Copenhagen (Denmark), and the funny thing is, I can barely make it up the stairs at home. This shall be fun.

New Year Resolutions:

Stop procrastinating. Stay positive. Spread more joy and love around myself. Be more patient. More ambitious. Deepen my relation with Allah (swt). Start working out. Become more confident. Read more books. Don't let negative people get to me. Let go of the past. Live in the present. Stay better in touch with friends & family. Smile towards strangers. Do small acts of kindness every day.


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