tisdag 14 januari 2014

Eid e Zahra

In the Name of God the Most Compassionate the Most Merciful,

On Saturday I was invited to a dear friend of mine who wanted to get together after a long time due to Muharram and Safar. Eid e Zahra, or Eid e Shuja, is the day which marks the end of the mourning period after the events of the battle of Karbala.

So, a dear friend of mine invited me and other wonderful sisters to a Dutch-treat or you might call it a covered-dish supper where everyone is supposed to bring a dish of food or dessert to the party. Of course, there were a lot of yummy stuff for my tummy! Delicious food and lovely company was a great way to celebrate it. I'm laughing out loud just thinking about charades. We were about 20 very diverse bunch of gals that played charades. Can you imagine how it looked? It was the most fun I had had in a long time I must say (:

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