tisdag 18 februari 2014

Ultimate Happiness

In the Name of the Most Compassionate the Most Merciful,

I was planning to go to Poland this coming weekend to celebrate one of my soul mates on her birthday. I'm not going to lie, I was really looking forward to it so I was a bit disappointed that she cancelled, but I definitely understand her. Thing is, she is studying med-school in Poland and she hasn't seen her family for months plus she is exhausted from studies so she definitely needs a break as well as see her family, and what time is better than on her birthday?! (: My disappointment turned into contentment fairly fast; sometimes we need to sacrifice our own happiness in order to make other people happy, and isn't that what ultimate happiness is? Alhamdulillah 'ala kulli haal (praise be to God in all situations).

I just saw a video clip of a man called Abdul Sattar Edhi, the founder of Edhi Trust. Wow, I was left in tears after watching that video, unfortunately it's on Facebook so I can't share it here. To summarize, Edhi barely had any money for himself but had a dream of helping other people in need so he started begging on the streets in order to get money to start helping people. He bought an ambulance and began helping people to and from the hospital, and he did this for 48 years. Slowly but surely, he opened schools, orphanages and women shelters. What amazes me is that some people who are filthy rich give nothing to the needy while other people, like Edhi, who doesn't have much give more than they can afford. And from experience I've noticed that poor people often are the most generous. Edhi uttered something which stuck on my mind: "People are educated but they're all flawed, humanity is flawed. We have not become humans." Which is very true in the country of Pakistan, I'm starting to lose hope on that country; seems like it has lost its sense for humanity. People in so called Muslim countries have failed to see each other first and foremost as fellow human beings; all they see are sects and ethnicities, and they kill each other for their differences instead of looking at their similarities. We don't have to accept each others beliefs but we should respect them.

The love we should have 
is the love which looks at everything through Him. 
We must discover that love inside each and every thing we see.

If we can find this and make it our own, 
then everyone will be a brother or sister 
born with us.

This is the only kind of love in which God is present,
the only love which is lasting.
This is grace, this is wisdom and light.

This love is the shining beauty of our face,
the beauty of our heart, our wealth, our life.
This is what makes our soul beautiful.
This is what makes the house of our life beautiful.
          - Muhammad Raheem Bawa Muhaiyaddeen

I pray that God blesses me with such a big heart so that I can give beyond my capacity.


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