lördag 28 december 2013

Exchange Girls

In the Name of God the Most Compassionate the Most Merciful,

Some of the girls that I bonded with in Canada last semester are coming to visit me today! We're going to stay in Malmö for a few days and after New Years Eve we're heading to Stockholm for a few days. My lovely girls are from Argentina, Germany, UK and Norway, and we're all reunited after 8 months :) I still haven't properly planned what to show them here in Malmö, but we'll figure something out. There's always something to see. *EXCITED*.


fredag 27 december 2013


In the name of God the Most Compassionate the Most Merciful,

I just remembered my blog out of nowhere. I was supposed to blog throughout my whole exchange in Canada which didn't happen. But to summarize my experience: I had an amazing experience, alhamdulillah. I met beautiful souls and saw beautiful places. I visited Ottowa, Montreal, Quebec, New York City and Washington D.C. 

This immense love for travelling has been sparked inside my heart, and I would love to explore God's creation little by little insha'Allah. As Rumi beautifully puts it: 

“Travel brings power and love back into your life.”
